The Big Greenie shop endeavors to bring you the most environmentally friendly "stuff" available on the planet.
Certified by the Carbon Trust, The Earth Positive "Eco" range is kind to the environment and produced solely by means of renewable energy. Using wind and solar power for production, Continental's Earth Positive line has reduced the carbon emissions by up to 90% compared to conventional t-shirt manufacturing. See: Sustainable low carbon
Continental products are audited by the Fair Wear Foundation, who support Ethical Trade and Justice for Workers, taking care of the Earth by taking care of its people. See: Social Responsibility
Not to be forgotten our range is just as kind to your skin. Our 100% Organic Products are made in accordance with the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), produced from Indian Cotton, and certified by the Control Union and Soil Association Certifications. See: Organic Standard
We have included cuddly hoodies, winter caps and blankets to encourage you to turn down the thermostat and still keep snug. Every degree lower you turn down the thermostat between 70 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, saves you 5% on heating costs, so you reduce your bill and your carbon footprint at the same time. See: Howdini for tips and information.
It's important to protect yourself from the sun: Protecting children from the sun. If you choose a hat you like you are much more likely to wear it. Our baseball caps feature all the characters from The Big Greenie Gang.
It's easy to remember to precycle with our bright and colourful tote bags. By taking your own bag to the shops you reduce the demand for plastic and paper bags, helping prevent plastic waste in the oceans and trees being cut down. The simple act of using a reusable bag makes a difference to our environment in countless ways. Precycle
Our products are supplied through Spreadshirt, ensuring our stock is only made to order. We are always searching for new "green" products to improve our range. The Big Greenie, recycled T-Shirt, currently only available in Men's, uses cotton from cotton-knit cuttings discarded during fabric production. It is our intention to combine water-based screen printing with our earth positive and organic range and expand the fabrics used to include: hemp, bamboo and recycled plastic bottles. You can find our shop at:

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